
რაბინდრანათ თაგორი

  • ვისიმე ფერხთით მთელი შენი არსების მიღება ნიჭთაგან უჭეშმარიტესია.

  • ადამიანის გულში ისეთი ძლიერი მისწრაფება ცოცხლობს რაიმე ობიექტივისათვის სიყვარულის მინიჭებისა, რომ იგი თავისსავე იდეალს იყვარებს.

  • ყოფიერების დიად და იდუმალ საკრებულოში, მილიონობით მოციმციმე სამყაროს გვერდით ჩემი კუთხე დავიგულე.

  • თვალსაწიერის კიდეზე ცისფრად კიაფობდა ხეთა შორეული ქობა, ხოლო მის თავზე ნატიფ ხაზად გაწოლილიყო არაჩვეულებრივად ლამაზი მუქლურჯი ღრუბლის ფთილა. მე პოეზიაში შევტოპე და ვთქვი, რომ ღრუბლის ეს ფთილა წამწამების კიდეზე ლურჯ ჩრდილს მაგონებს, რომელიც მშვენიერ ცისფერ თვალებს კიდევ უფრო ამშვენებს-მეთქი. ერთმა ჩემმა თანამგზავრმა ვერ გაიგონა ეს შენიშვნა, მეორემ ვერ გაიგო, ხოლო მესამემ იგი გაანადგურა პასუხით: დიახ, მართლაც რომ მშვენიერია. პოეტური აღფრთოვანების შემდეგი ცდისთვის მე აღარ მიმიმართავს. 

  • მამაკაცი მხოლოდ შავად არის გამოჩორკნილი, ხოლო ქალი უკვე დასრულებული არსებაა.

  • ტკბობაში არის ელემენტი დაუკმაყოფილებლობისა.

კნუტ ჰამსუნი


სულიერ ფასეულობებზე დაფუძნებული ღირსეული გამარჯვების მოპოვება და კაცობრიობისთვის თუნდაც სულ მცირე სარგებლობის მოტანა?-არა ეს ბრბოს ნამდვილად არ ძალუძს. დიდ ადამიანებზე საუბარი მავანთათვის მართლაც ბრწყინვალე სალაპარაკო თემაა, მაგრამ ამ ადამიანების მოხსენიებისას ბრბოს მიერ აღზევებულმა მმართველებმა და ცხენზე ამხედრებულმა ბატონებმა, თავს საზოგადოების სულიერ წინამძღვრებს რომ უწოდებენ, კარგად უნდა იფიქრონ და შეიცნონ ის პიროვნებები, რომლებსაც დიდ ადამიანებად მოიხსენიებენ. თუ არა და, გამოდის, რომ ამ დიდ ადამიანებს მხოლოდ და მხოლოდ ბრბო ანუ საზოგადოების პატივაყრილი უმრავლესობა, ადვოკატები, მასწავლებლები, ჟურნალისტები და ბრაზილიის კეისარი ეთაყვანებიან.



“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” 

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sundays tours for me became a habit. This time in Nia’s car we decided to visit Dedoplistkaro, Kakheti region. Tinatin offered us to visit Jumaskhure (Kakliskhure). To be frank, I hadn’t heard about the place before. So many places we, the Georgians know ourselves little about.
If you go to Kakheti region, you should stop at Badiauri to get fresh Kakhetian Shoti (bread) and cheese. So we kept our traditional customs and bought freshly baked shoti and cheese and set off to Dedoplistskaro…

It was warm and sunny autumn day. On the road we came across with a raft of turkeys. It was first time I have ever seen turkeys and an old amaryllis…

So we reached Dedoplistkaro. There we decided to visit the administration centre of tourists, where we were informed about the territory of the Jumaskhure.

The road wasn’t bad but our driver drove carefully.We were fascinated with the beauty of nature. Autumn in his usual multiple colors was reigning… Along the road there were pomegranate’s trees. We picked them up and have them on the way. Grown wildly pomegranates tasted sweeter…

We passed quite a few kilometers. Passed land ready for sowing of wheat…On the stone a tired azerbaijanian was sitting… We asked him the way to Jumaskhure, he showed the way then asked for a cigarette. He said he hadn’t smoked for days… Unfortunately there was no smoker between us…

And at last we reached Jumaskhure. We passed the narrow piece of land between the rivers and saw the house where guards lived. He had noticed us and met warmly. He told many interesting things about the place.

Jumaskhure is the natural peninsula. It is surrounded by the river Alazani, which is a trans-border river. The river flows on both sides of the peninsula. “The land is being taken by the river Alazani every year when it floods. If the river breaks this small connection land, the beautiful place will be left out of the border.” Surmanidze, the man we met there and guided us, told us. He worked there and was glad to see us-tourists from Tbilisi. It was unusual for him. He told us that it was the grove forest and contained a special wild nut species. He showed us animals footprints. As Nia is a biologist she showed much interest in flora…

We sat at the river for a long time fascinating with the beauty of the nature and dreaming how nice it would be to stay there for more than a day… Beauty, quiet atmosphere, fresh air...Would you like more after a Tbilisi busy day?

We shared our meal with the guard. Eka had brought some bananas and snickers for her, but didn’t eat and gave him. He was happy as he hadn’t eaten it for a long time. There were no shops nearby…

We were full of impressions… But Tbilisi and our daily life was calling back…

“Adventure is a path. Real adventure – self-determined, self-motivated, often risky – forces you to have first hand encounters with the world. The world the way it is, not the way you imagine it. Your body will collide with the earth and you will bear witness. In this way you will be compelled to grapple with the limitless kindness and bottomless cruelty of humankind – and perhaps realize that you yourself are capable of both. This will change you. Nothing will ever again be black-and-white.

Jawaharian Nehru


Vashlovani, Takhti Tefa, Eagle's Canyon

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Mark Twain

It was warm autumn day. A mini bus is driving to Kakheti. Kakheti region is rich in sights. History is waiting for us so we quickly buy some food-Georgian shoti (bread) and cheese in Badiauri and continue our way To Dedoplistskaro. The members of the tour consist of six person-three men and three women.

 Our destination is Vashlovani protected area. We have seen much spectacular photos of the reserve before and want to see everything with our own eyes.

Vashlovani protected area is located in the far south-east of Georgia, the Dedoplistskaro District and is home to ecologically unique area of Georgia. It is located between two main rivers of Kakheti the Iori and the Alazani.

The sun is shining brightly. It is like autumn is wearing her wedding dress with full of red, gold, brown green colors…

Our first destination was Elia Hill. In the rocky hill St Elia Ezbeteli church is built. . The church is dated 6th century, though the church was restored in 2007. Locals celebrate Eliaoba on August 2. People prayed to St Elia for rain in times of drought. It is an old tradition and today has become a public holiday.

.Our next destination was the Khornabuji (Tamari) Fortress. Khornabuji Fortress is located near Dedoplistkaro. The archeological findings confirm the existence of a settlement in the area even in Pre-Christian period (4th -3rd centuries BC). Khornabuji started to develop in the 5th century during the reign of King Vakhtang Gorgasali. The latter established the episcopacy there. A trade road used to pass through Khornabuji. The fortress was renovated and modified many times between the 5th and the 17th century. The Town was well developed during the reign of Queen Tamar in the 12th century. This is why the fortress is designated as Tamar’s Fortress.

We felt history here, climbed the ruins of the fortress and took many photos. The view of colorful forest down from Khornabuji fortress was spectacular…

But more spectacular scenaries of Eagle’s Canyon were waiting for us…No words can express the beauty of the nature, waterfalls, greenness, caves…

I nearly forgot to mention, that Vashlovani strict nature reserve was created in 1963 by two famouse Georgian scientist Niko Ketskhoveli and Vasil Gulisashvili. The territory of the reserve includes Pantishara Vashlovani Massive.

We got tired. So many impressions to see are much for a day! But we still had a little time and also our rout included Takhti-Tefa. It was created on 2003 in Vashlovani area. So we got in our mini bus and drove to the Takhti-Tefa.

 We drove more than three or four km and saw the changes of flora and fauna. We passed bad-land like landscapes of dessert and semi-dessert steppe vegetation and arid and deciduous forests. It is also a home to the remarkable cliffs-of-the canyons, locally called the “Sharp Walls”.

Yes, the scenary was really inspiring but nobody was seen around us. After driving more kilometers we saw horses eating grass and cowherds nearby. We asked them the way but they spoke neither Georgian or Russian nor English. Unfortunately, on the territory of Georgia it was difficult to understand Georgians. Fortunately, our guide knew a few words in Azerbaijanian and we were able to ask them the way to Takhti Tefa…

It was about 5 o’clock. It was starting getting dark…Our guide offered us to go back to Tbilisi and have some khinkali and Mtsvadi at Mirzaani restaurant. I will remind you, that the only food we had was bread and cheese and some water. We were really hungry but loved every inch of our country so much that preferred to see the much-talked canyons and refused the offer.

Soon a black Jeep drove past. Later as we found out they came here from Tbilisi to hunt.

Soon we came to the reservoir. There we met a local man and the passengers of the Jeep. When we told them we wanted to go to Takhti-Tefa, he was happy. He said we were the first visitors who wanted to visit the site. As it was impossible to go there in a mini-bus, he offered us take there in his Jeep.

Takhti Tefa was another marvel of Vashlovani Protected area. The car was driving in the grass which was higher than our car. Our shepherd-guide took us to the mud volcano. We had a feeling of being in another planet rather than a foreign country. The volcano is a whitish plane hill that bubbles and throbs. Gas and therapeutic mud flow from the crates and airways and flows down the gorge. The shepherd, whose name I don’t remember unfortunately, told us that there were eagles’ nests. It worth seeing, but as the sun was setting down we would see nothing.

So left the place in hope to visit the place once more in the daylight…

Driving back to the place where our mini-bus was waiting, the local told us much about their lives. We found out that a few Georgian people lived there. Youth didn’t want to live there as there was no water and no jobs. They preferred living in towns. As a result the area was emptying little by little… Talking about the problems, we reached the shepherds’ camp to give them some food, kerosene and water. We saw many sheep together guarded by shepherd dogs…

So the day was full of impressions…

We came back to Tbilisi without a good supper at the restaurant, but the full of impressions: how beautiful country we have and don’t know the value of our treasure.

“All travel has its advantages. If the passenger visits better countries, he may learn to improve his own. And if fortune carries him to worse, he may learn to enjoy it.” 
Samuel Johnson

 Photos are taken by Avto Khantadze